
Writing is an essential part of what Frankly speaking does. Next to being learning facilitators and trainers, we enjoy observing, thinking, conceptualising, discussing and writing as much as we appreciate the other aspects of our work.  Frankly speaking has longstanding experience in the preparation and editing of publications. As with most of our work, many of the publications we have produced are joint efforts with teams and organisational partners, and our contributions to these publications are diverse ranging from contributor to editor.


Listening, Thinking, Exploring, Talking

Frankly speaking believes that non-formal learning should be a key element of everyone’s education in complementarity to informal learning and formal education. Supporting the continuous progress and advance of non-formal learning is one of our aims, and we encourage and assist processes facilitating this development whenever we can.


A key aspect of our work is the facilitation of debates, discussions and discourses. Frankly speaking has wide-ranging experience in facilitating deliberative processes of different lengths, intensity and approaches involving policy-makers, researchers and education and youth work practitioners.


Another important element of Frankly speaking’s work is to present, speak and discuss about non-formal education, youth participation, youth work, peace building, youth policy and other relevant fields of our expertise.

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Watch Ajsa talking about youth policies and youth participation for the Massive Open Online Course “Europe and Young People: How Citizenship Works in the European Context”
Watch this video of Ajsa talking about Polarisation and the Culture of Remembrance in Political Youth Work during Youth in Europe Offenburg Talks for Project CHAMPIONs (September 2019)